
Rapid Wireless provides a service to its customers by preparing ComReg & OFCOM licence applications and submitting them on the customer’s behalf, if the customer so desires.

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ComReg is the statutory body responsible for the regulation of the electronic communications sector (telecommunications, radio communications, broadcasting transmission and premium rate services) and the postal sector.

The possession and use of radio equipment in Ireland is governed by the Wireless Telegraphy Act 1926, (Act No 45 of 1926), (as amended), which stipulates that an appropriate Wireless Telegraphy licence must be held, unless licence exempted. 

ComReg is the authority charged with the authorisation of Wireless Telegraphy equipment in Ireland, with the exception of Ships Radio Licensing. In managing the radio spectrum, ComReg has set down specific rules and regulations for the possession and use of many forms of radio equipment. These regulations specify the licensing regime or exempt the radio equipment from licensing. Unlicensed or non-compliant possession or use of radio equipment is illegal, rendering offenders liable for prosecution.


Ofcom is the communications regulator in the UK. It regulates the TV, radio and video-on-demand sectors, fixed-line telecoms, mobiles and postal services, plus the airwaves over which wireless devices operate.

Ofcom makes sure that people in the UK get the best from their communications services and are protected from scams and sharp practices, while ensuring that competition can thrive. Ofcom operates under a number of Acts of Parliament, including in particular the Communications Act 2003. Ofcom acts within the powers and duties set for it by Parliament in legislation.

To use any radio transmitting device in the UK, it will need to either be licenced, or have a specific licence exemption.